Luxury goods, including designer
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store handbags, are known for their quality, use of expensive
materials and impeccable construction. Handbags made by luxury brands such as
Michael Kors, Chanel, Gucci and Prada can sometimes have a price tag in excess
of several thousand dollars. Due to the popularity of designer bags, the market
has experienced an influx of fakes and copies selling for a fraction of the
price at street markets and by vendors. To spot a fake designer bag, look
closely at the seams, fabric, packaging and price.Does this Spark an idea?Other
People Are ReadingHow to Spot a Fake Designer HandbagHow to Spot a Fake Gucci
BagInstructions 1Examine the seams and the small details of the bag. Handles, buckles, hardware, pockets and plaques are in
immaculate condition on an authentic designer handbag. If you notice small bits
of string coming off the interior or exterior seams or pockets, it could signal
a fake. Zippers should be secure and open and close smoothly.2Pay close
attention to the interior. Most designer brands feature exclusive patterned or
monogrammed interiors that often feature a version of the company's logo.
Designer bags also feature a high-quality interior fabric such as silk or suede.
If you notice the interior fabric is of poor quality or doesn't resemble the
interior fabric you have previously seen on the same designer bag, it is
probably a fake.3Compare the logo. Designer brands have very specific
copyrighted logos that are often featured on handbags. Fake designer handbags
frequently have a logo that is slightly off -- for example, the logo may have a
different font or a size difference in capitalized letters. Print out a copy of
the official logo to compare to the handbag in question.4Look for a serial
number and certificate of authenticity. Because of the prevalence in fake
designer handbags, most authentic luxury handbags now come with a serial number
and card. Look inside the bag for a plaque with a serial number or in the bag's
dust bag for an envelope containing the card. If the bag in question has
neither, it's probably a fake.5Analyze the price. Designer luxury handbags come
with a hefty price tag, and sales don't usually bring down the prices
significantly. If you spot a handbag offered at a price that seems "too good to
be true," it probably is.6Consider the location of the bag for sale. Real
designer handbags are sold in the brand's store, luxury boutiques and department
stores. If you spot a designer handbag for sale at an outdoor market, on the
street or in a location that doesn't seem appropriate, it's
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Handbags probably a fake.